LogPoint udgiver LogPoint 7 med SOAR i SIEM-løsningen
Omfattende opdatering integrerer SIEM og SOAR i én samlet security operations platform, der accelererer detektering, efterforskning og håndtering af trusler.
Omfattende opdatering integrerer SIEM og SOAR i én samlet security operations platform, der accelererer detektering, efterforskning og håndtering af trusler.
Erfaren Channel Manager skal drive LogPoints partnerprogram i Norden og sikre den fortsatte vækst.
Center for cybersikkerhed udkom i dag med en rapport, som kortlægger forløbet omkring det omfangsrige SolarWinds-angreb sidste år. Et såkaldt supply chain-angreb, som gennem en kompromittering af it-leverandøren SolarWinds ramte 18.000 organisationer på verdensplan, hvoraf mere end 50 af dem var danske. Center for Cybersikkerheds konklusion er klar: Der er behov for at hæve det generelle sikkerhed
Join LogPoint at InfoSecurity Denmark 2021, the most prominent IT Security Expo in Denmark, on September 29-30, 2021, for informative activities about cybersecurity innovations.
LogPoint advances foundational cybersecurity capabilities by including SOAR in its core SIEM solution. Introducing automation, increased speed and precision in incident response, bringing SOAR to organizations of all sizes.
The acquisition will enhance LogPoint’s core cybersecurity stack, delivering an integrated, foundational security operations platform
Aftalen om et styrket cyberforsvar er vigtigt fordi den styrker de analytiske kapaciteter. Desuden tages et afgørende skridt med etableringen af central datalogning i staten. Indsamling og analyse af logs i real-tid er fundamentet for et effektivt cyberforsvar.
Integrating business and cybersecurity strategies, accelerate detection and response. Integrating ServiceNow with LogPoint providing a unified SOAR platform for the midmarket
LogPoint, the modern SIEM and UEBA company, has signed an agreement with Orange Cyberdefense Germany, part of the Orange Group, to acquire agileSI™, the leading SAP security solution. The acquisition will solidify LogPoint’s position as a leading provider of application security, including security for SAP ERP systems.
LogPoint, the Modern SIEM, and UEBA company have been named a Visionary in the 2020 Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) by Gartner, the leading independent technology research organization.
Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with offices across Europe, the USA, and Asia, Logpoint is a multinational, multicultural, inclusive cybersecurity company. LogPoint bolsters organizations in the fight against evolving threats by giving them a single source of truth — an intuitively designed platform with the powerful capabilities needed to ensure their safety. Powered by machine learning and backed by an industry-leading support team, Logpoint’s cybersecurity operations platform accelerates detection and response, allowing organizations to respond to tomorrow’s threats.
Logpoint’s core belief lies in creating software that empowers security teams to make confident decisions, feel justified in their choices, and more efficiently protect their organizations. That principle has earned them the trust of more than 1,000 organizations worldwide, as well as a place in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.
The company’s culture prioritizes passion, innovation, team spirit, and client satisfaction. Together, these values fuel Logpoint’s success across cybersecurity technologies: from SIEM, UEBA, and SOAR to SAP security, converged into an integrated security operations platform, created to protect the digital heart of organizations.
Bryggervangen 55
2100 Copenhagen